jOb OffEr
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Board of Directors
Indigenous Tourism Québec is proud to be able to benefit from the contribution, expertise and cultural richness of a board of directors representative of the First Nations of Quebec and the various sectors of activity supported by our industry. The board of directors is made up of 9 seats: 5 seats reserved for active members, 2 seats for delegate members and 2 seats for associate members.
Steeve Gros-Louis, Active member | Restaurant La Sagamité
Kalika Sinnett, Active member | Micmac Interpretation Site of Gespeg
Marc Plourde, Associate member | Fédération des pourvoiries du Québec
Michelle Picard, Delegate member | Société de crédit commercial autochtone
Kimberly Cross, Active member | Kahnawà:ke Tourism
Robert Lancup, Associate member | Destination Québec Cité
Josée Leblanc, Active member | Atikuss Canada
Sean McDonagh, Active member | Aventures Inuit
Robin McGinley, Delegate member | Cree Outfitting and Tourism Association